Postsurgical Instructions

Please contact our office immediately if you feel you are experiencing a dental emergency.

Postsurgical Instructions

Postsurgical Instructions

These instructions apply to the surgical procedure just completed. They are meant to instruct you in procedures that will minimize postsurgical discomfort and inform you of situations that may possibly require special attention. If you have any questions or any problems occur, please do not hesitate to contact our office by calling (440) 835-4600. If it’s after office hours, please call Dr. Sazima’s direct cell phone at (216) 233-1809.


It is not unusual to have a certain amount of discomfort for a day or two following your surgical procedure. In many instances, 2 Aleve, 3 Advil, or 3 Tylenol taken every six hours, but not more than eight tablets daily, will be sufficient to relieve discomfort. In most cases, you will be given a prescription for a more potent medication to ensure you of a mild post surgical recovery period, especially during sleep hours. please use this medication only if needed for the control of severe discomfort and never take these medications with alcohol. Even though your medical history is always reviewed, it is important to let Dr. Sazima and his staff be aware of any other medications you are presently taking, as well as any medical changes, including allergies, upper GI tract disease, kidney, or liver impairment.


The dressing, which acts as a bandage, is used to protect the surgical site and help reduce discomfort. If small pieces fall off, it is of no concern, unless the area becomes quite uncomfortable. If large portions of the dressing fall off, please call our office.


Do not eat on the side that was operated upon for as long as you can. Avoid very hot foods and liquids for two hours, as they cause bleeding. Diets rich in quality proteins or vitamin C and vitamin B are especially desirable. Food such as liver, meat, eggs, milk and citrus fruits, as well as whole-grain or rich cereals, are recommended. Jell-O or nonfat yogurt is also very soothing.


Minor swelling may follow your surgical procedure. To prevent or minimize swelling, it is advisable to place an ice pack over the area, 10 minutes on and five minutes off, for the next 4 to 6 hours. This is especially true for surgery in the lower jaw, as gravity causes greater swelling here. Remember, the utilization of a cold compress to reduce swelling is only effective if used immediately after the surgical procedure or at least within the first 12 to 24 hours. If a lot of swelling has occurred after 24 hours, ice will further numb the area, although not reduce swelling appreciably. Bruising of the skin (black and blue mark) may develop over the side of the face. This will heal by itself within a few days.


It is advisable that you rinse your mouth with mouthwash and water 5 to 6 times a day after 24 hours. If you wish, Chloraseptic, kept in the refrigerator and then rinsed with for 15 seconds, will numb the area since it acts as a surface anesthetic. You may repeat this every two hours if necessary. For the most part, though, normal mouthwash with or without water is adequate.


You will be expected to brush the tops of the teeth lightly where the surgery was done but, for the most part, do not brush the sides or floss as the dressing and sutures are present and we do not wish to disturb these. You can brush and floss the rest of your mouth.


A small amount of bleeding is all that is necessary to discolor your saliva. Do not be alarmed, as this is normal. Avoid strenuous activity or exercise, as this can cause the surgical site to bleed. Please also refrain from smoking, as this also causes bleeding by the negative vacuum caused inside the mouth while inhaling a cigarette or straw. If excessive or continuous bleeding should occur, apply a moistened teabag to the immediate area for 20 minutes, and repeat as necessary. The natural ingredient and teabags will help clot the area. Do not rinse until night time of the day of the surgery. After, rinses 5 to 6 times a day with warm water or mouthwash and water, just to keep area clean.


Again, as mentioned, please try to refrain from smoking as long as possible, at least the first 48 hours, since this causes more postoperative pain, bleeding and swelling than any other factor. Literally 99% of all emergencies (bleeding, swelling) post surgically happen in smokers.

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